Safe and secure.
It doesn't matter if it's your meeting calendar or your bank information, it's your information. We want it to stay that way, too. The security of your data is our top priority. Here's how we keep everything safe.
Password protected
Having a site password protected is the first step in security. But we go beyond that to keep your data safe.
TLS security
This is a fancy way of saying that we use a secure connection between your computer and where your data lives.
No spam, ever
Because our pages aren't published or indexed by search engines, no one is getting your email from your site.
Maintain privacy
Even our communication is private. You can communicate with your neighbors, without revealing your personal email address.
Stay in control
You can restrict or grant access as needed. Since not everyone should be able to see everything, you can choose the right permissions for your association.
Back it up
We keep your data safe by backing it up regularly. Because it's in the cloud, even if your own computer has an issue, your info's still secure in Condo Ally's system.
Secure Hosting
Our site, services, and database are hosted in a secure datacenter managed by one of the world's largest tech companies.
Privacy Focused
Besides protecting your data, we also never sell it. Check out our privacy policy, it's easy to understand and works in your favor!